Pengembangan Media Kartu Cerdas Siswa dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca

Hizbul Muluk, Dina Indriana, Ubaidillah Ubaidillah, Nurhamim Nurhamim


This research aims to develop the Student Smart Card (KCS) in the Arabic reading skill, adevelopmental research in the eighth grade at Bani Nawawi Islamic Middle School, Chile. First product review, first field test, main product trial. The effectiveness of using the student's smart card development in the reading skill of the eighth grade at Bani Nawawi Islamic Middle School, Chile. As a result of the development of the Student Smart Card (KCS), he looks at the result of the pre-test on the value of 60% and the result of the post-test of 82%. There is a significant difference in the ability level of eighth-grade students at Bani Nawawi Islamic Medium School, Chile, in learning to read. If this evidence indicates that this Developing Student Smart Card (KCS) Using this method can improve Arabic reading skill.

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